Edinburgh School of Icon Painting: March 2014

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

5 days intensive Icon painting course


10th June - 14th june
Tuesday - Saturday
11.00am- 5.30pm

Andrej Rublev "The Holy Trinity"

This 5 day intensive workshop is designed for students of all abilities, no previous experience is required.

The aim of the course is to help you understand the tradition of icon painting through studying masterpieces, and through their inspiration to create your own icon.

Basia Mindewicz is an experienced icon painter and teacher, who will introduce every aspect of the process of making an icon, emphasising the importance of personal relationship with the Divine reality, and creativity.

St. Margaret`s House
151 London Road
2 floor, studio 2.31

Cost £235
Non refundable deposit of £50 required with the registration. Remaining balance of £185 to be paid until 18th May. This would be refunded only if there are no spaces left.

Feel free to contact us with any questions. You can come to the Arts Complex to talk if you like. Please contact us to arrange that.

Monday, 10 March 2014


The meditation with Icon painting at the Salisbury Centre.

This is a chance to discover the divine feminine within through guided imagery meditation and creating your own Icon.

Taking place on 12 April from 10am till 4pm with the launch break in the Centre.

Eileen Foulner
is a trustee at the Salisbury Centre and is an experienced meditator. She has taught Adults and Children to explore within through guided imagery.

Basia Mindewicz is an experienced icon painter and teacher. She is a founder of Edinburgh School of Icon Painting. She has been practising icon painting for over 10 years and taught for over 7 years. Her goal is to help you to become confident in your painting.

Cost £40.
Limited places.

For more information and to register call 07709934651
or email edinburghicons@gmail.com