Sunday, 22 December 2013
Monday, 16 December 2013
Everyone welcome to come!!
Nitekirk Edinburgh
There will be Icons and a chance to try some icon painting which is a form of contemplation.
Here is a link to Nitekirk website and facebook page
Friday, 29 November 2013
There are still spaces for the Weekend Workshop, you either sign up for two weekends or just one in December.
Weekend Egg Tempera/ Icon Painting Workshop
art`s complex
St. Margaret`s House
151 London Road
Edinburgh EH7 6AE
I`m so excited to be able to introduce this unique technique to you. I have been painting for so long and I still love it. This is not only the practise of painting and artistic experience. Icon is also spiritual journey which I like to open to everyone no matter what their experience or background is.
The dates and time are,
7th, 8th December 2013
Saturday from 4pm - 9pm, cost £42
Sunday from 11am - 7pm,cost £59
11th, 12th January 2014
to register for the course please email
to register for the course please email
I`m are looking forward to seeing you at the Course. Please feel free to ask any questions you can think of. To register please email at
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Edinburgh School of Icon Painting
A short video demonstrating small part of the process of icon painting.
Monday, 18 November 2013
Free Egg Tempera/ Icon Painting Class
Because we are so passionate about iconography/egg tempera and meeting all people who think this could be something they might like. We are doing anther free event and hoping to see you there.
We would like to invite you to our FREE Workshop. It will be a chance to try egg tempera and actually see what it is what we have been talking about.
It will also be a chance to meet us, ask questions or just have a chat.
We will have dry pigments, egg yolk, wine…..and all you need to give it a try.
Please feel free to pop in to Art's complex on Monday 25th November any time in between
6pm am and 9pm
The address is
151 London Road
eh7 6ae
You are welcome to come even for 5 minutes. Bring a friend or two. We would love to meet you.
Please join event on facebook
Please join event on facebook
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Weekend Egg Tempera/ Icon Painting Workshop
art`s complex
St. Margaret`s House
151 London Road
Edinburgh EH7 6AE
We are so excited to be able to introduce this unique technique to you. We have been painting for so long and we still love it. This is not only the practise of painting and artistic experience. Icon is also spiritual journey which we open to everyone no matter what their experience or background is.
The dates and time are,
7th, 8th December 2013
Saturday from 4pm - 9pm, cost £42
Sunday from 11am - 7pm,cost £59
11th, 12th January 2014
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Course. Please feel free to ask any questions you can think of. To register please email at
Monday, 4 November 2013
Drop in Egg Tempera/ Icon Painting Classes
Our drop in classes are design for those who would like to try egg tempera/ icon painting. All those who have tried it before are welcome to come as well.
You can just come to one class. See if you like it.
Dates are,
11th, 25th November,
Times are,
6pm until 9pm
only £30
art`s complex
St. Margaret`s House
151 London Road
Edinburgh EH7 6AE
Please feel free to ask any questions.
If I have a panel with the work you already started please let me know if you are coming so I can bring it for you to the class.
We look forward to meeting you.
Please join our event on facebook
Please join our event on facebook
Monday, 28 October 2013
Weekend Egg Tempera/ Icon Painting Workshop
art`s complex
St. Margaret`s House
151 London Road
Edinburgh EH7 6AE
We are so excited to be able to introduce this unique technique to you. We have been painting for so long and we still love it. This is not only the practise of painting and artistic experience. Icon is also spiritual journey which we open to everyone no matter what their experience or background is.
The dates and time are,
2nd, 3d November 2013
Saturday from 4pm - 9pm, cost £42
Sunday from 11am - 7pm,cost £59
7th, 8th December 2013
11th, 12th January 2014
If you book 3 weekends cost is £250.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Course. Please feel free to ask any questions you can think of. To register please email at
join the event on facebook
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Free Egg Tempra/ Icon Painting Workshop
Because we had a lovely time last Saturday and we would like to show egg tempera to more and more people no matter what their experience is we ARE DOING IT AGAIN.
so again..
We would like to invite you to our FREE Workshop. It will be a chance to try egg tempera and actually see what it is what we have been talking about.
It will also be a chance to meet us, ask questions or just have a chat.
We will have dry pigments, egg yolk, wine…..and all you need to give it a try.
Please feel free to pop in to Art's complex on Monday 28th October any time in between
6pm am and 9pm
The address is
151 London Road
eh7 6ae
You are welcome to come even for 5 minutes. We would love to meet you.
Please join our event on facebook
If you want to ask anything juts email us at
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Absolute beginners welcome. No experience required.
Monday Classes are starting this week and we have a drop in as well. If you just want to come and see if you like it.
Everyone welcome.
It will be a chance to try egg tempera and actually see what it is what we have been talking about.
It will also be a chance to meet us, ask questions or just have a chat.
You can come and check it out and then decide if you want to book the whole course or continue with drop in.
St. Margaret's House
151 London Road
Edinburgh EH7 6AE
21st October - 16th December
from 6pm till 9pm
Cost: £30 for each Class and £250 for the whole course.
Monday, 14 October 2013
Edinburgh School of Icon Painting
Would like to invite
you to our FREE Workshop.
It will be a chance to try egg tempera and actually see what it is what we have been talking
It will also be a
chance to meet us, ask questions or just have a chat.
We will have dry
pigments, egg yolk, wine…..and all you need to give it a try.
Please feel free to
pop in to The Salisbury Centre this Saturday 19th October any time in
10.30 am and 1.30 pm.
The address is 2
Salisbury Road, EH16 5AB, Edinburgh
You are welcome to
come even for 5 minutes. We would love to meet you.
If you have any questions,
email us at
Join our event on Facebook,
Thursday, 19 September 2013
We are offering Monday Evening Classes , Saturday Classes, Weekend Course and more including
Individual Courses.
10-tygodniowy Kurs Malowania Ikon
w Polskim Centrum im. Fryderyka Chopina w Edynburgu
11 John’s Place, EH7 4GE Edinburgh
W ramach kursu malować będziemy ikonę Chrystusa Pantokratora. Uczestnicy poznają tradycyjną technikę tempery jajowej, praktykowaną od wieków w malarstwie ikonowym, a także wykonają pierwsze kroki w trudnej sztuce pozłotnictwa.
Będziemy pracować na zagruntowanym podobraziu MDF. W ramach zajęć pokażemy również jak zagruntować deskę lipową.
ZajÄ™cia odbywać bÄ™dÄ… siÄ™ raz w tygodniu w godzinach 18:30 – 21:00
(z chętnymi uzgodniony zostanie dzień tygodnia: wtorek, środa lub czwartek)
Przewidywany termin rozpoczęcia zajęć: trzeci tydzień października
Przewidywany termin zakończenia zajęć: drugi tydzień grudnia
Koszt kursu: £250.00
(£50.00 pÅ‚atne przy rezerwacji miejsca)
Reszte sumy mozna zaplacic w calosci lub w trzech ratach.
Wszystkie potrzebne materiały wliczone w cenę.
Ilość miejsc ograniczona.
Zapisy przyjmujemy drogÄ… mailowÄ… pod adresem:
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Bookings Open for
Mondays from 6pm till 9pm
We will be working on icon of Chris Pantocrator following all traditional principles of Iconography.
You will learn
to make gesso and how to apply it on a wooden panel
prepare a drawing for icon and transfer it onto a panel
basic principles of egg tempera using egg yolk and dry pigments
gold gilding
using Olifa Varnish,
and more..
Please feel free to email or call us if you have any questions.
Sunday, 8 September 2013
School of Icon Painting/ Basia Mindewicz and Monika Walendziak would
like to invite you to come along on Wednesday 11th of September to Art`s
Complex to see the process of creating an Icon. We will start from a
very first layers and advance our work on the image as much as we can in
this short length of time. This would be a chance to see us at work and
to compare different styles of Icon Painting.
Arts Complex, 151 London Road
EH7 6AE,
5th floor and then follow the signs.
We will start at 4pm and finish about 8pm. You can come any time you want in between those times.
Arts Complex, 151 London Road
EH7 6AE,
5th floor and then follow the signs.
Monday, 15 July 2013
Workshop at Art`s Complex in September
Over 6 days of the Workshop we will provide you with all possible information, guidance and assistance you need to complete the Icon of Christ Pantocrator. You will have a choice of a few different images.
We relay on an ancient images.
“the best teachers are the ancient icons”
Leonid Ouspensky (1902-1987)

We would like to show you not only all aspects of technique itself. We think it`s very important to learn the tradition and try to understand how Iconography has been growing in the Orthodox tradition. There will be a short introduction.
We hope that our Workshop will be just a beginning of a fascinating journey you will take.
We provide
Because we would like you to experience the icon painting in it`s best quality we provide all materials you need on our Workshop. This will include:
gesso panel,
set of dry pigments,
egg yolk, wine,
3 squirrel brushes,
schlagmetal and everything you need for gilding,
pencil, paper etc.
We will show you the oldest Varnish called Olifa and how to apply it.
Monday, 8 July 2013
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